Best performance, most accurate predictions, highest flexibility – assay licenses from abc biopply
As a service provider, abc biopply takes that one step further to ensure best performance and highest flexibility for our service and assay packages. That particularly extends to our in-licensing possibilities for all our assays. Any compound test, and newly developed assay and disease model can easily be transferred to our customers facilities for in-house usage. Our various licensing options are highly customized and can be adapted to your individual needs in terms of assay types, number of data points analyzed and duration of assay use.
We offer:
- Single Use License: Get easy and fast access to our assays for in-house tests
- Long-Term License: Get easily access to the assays of your choice and have your planning certainty and support for as long as your project is running
- Custom-Tailored: You decide what you need and we offer you the best possible license terms
Furthermore, all our long-term licenses include initial training and onsite installation of the assay (if required) and they are continuously supported by our experts for the duration of the license term.
Contact us today to explore the possibilities.